Wednesday, December 30, 2015
The 1099 economy: Why would I give you a salary?
We live in an Airbnb, Uber, Avon economy.
To workers of a certain age, mostly Baby Boomers, the traditional 9-5 job with security, benefits, and structure is gone. Many people have entered the world of the "entrepreneur," whether or not they were ready or realized the harsh challenges.
Companies are willing to give what they call "the opportunity." Or, as one employer said, I'm going to give you an office (at a monthly rate), access to a copier, and a support staff (also at a monthly rate). Benefits are included, but as a self-employed business person, you pay all the costs, along with all the FICA taxes. He concluded: "Why would I give you a salary?"
Friday, December 4, 2015
Guest blogger: A refugee's story to warm your heart
Jim Keady, l, is an activist friend. He's also the guy who stood up to Chris Christie and was told to "Shut up and sit down," by Big Boy, who now wants to bar Syrian refugees from New Jersey. Jim's story about Nasir, 16, will melt your heart. Also: Jim just lost a race for State Assemblyman. This is how he reacts to a tough loss.
This is Nasir. He is a refugee from Afghanistan. He is 16, alone, and just made the treacherous journey from Turkey to Lesvos, Greece.
After he landed, I helped to get him settled at the camp along the shore and made sure he had dry clothes. I then accompanied him with two other volunteers to the transit camp where he will sleep tonight. We talked for a bit while sitting by a fire as he warmed himself. I learned that his father teaches English and his mother is a housewife. Some might ask, "Why didn't his parents come with him?" I am purely speculating here, but they may only have had enough money to get him out. The smugglers can charge $1,500+ just for the boat ride from Turkey and most likely he had to pass through Iran, Iraq, and possibly Pakistan on the way. (I know this was a possible route from speaking with other refugees tonight.) Think about having to make that decision as a parent. Consider how many parents (understandably) get upset when their kids are heading off to college and they aren't going to "see their babies" every day. Now, imagine you are sending your son off across four war-torn countries with the hope that he makes it to Europe and can start a new life.
Nasir was terrified. I did my best to calm him down and I promised him that I would accompany him to the transit camp and that he would be reunited with the men he made the journey with. There are special protocols for unaccompanied minors, so he was separated from them for a short time. My heart was breaking for him when we arrived at the transit camp. It can look really intimidating with its high fences and bright fluorescent lights - more like a prison camp than a welcoming locale, but I assume the UNHCR (the UN refugee agency) has their reasons for this standard layout. He kept looking up at the high fence and looking around for the other men. I kept reassuring him that he was going to be ok. That I would stay with him and that the guys at the transit camp were nice guys and would help him.
When the other men finally showed up, the smile that shot across his face was priceless. Once he saw them, his guard came down. He had a little bit of home with him. He said, quietly, "thank you Jim." Then we hugged and we took this picture. I gave him my business card and told him that as soon as he gets a phone, I want to hear from him. I hope he writes me.
Peace, JWK
This is Nasir. He is a refugee from Afghanistan. He is 16, alone, and just made the treacherous journey from Turkey to Lesvos, Greece.
After he landed, I helped to get him settled at the camp along the shore and made sure he had dry clothes. I then accompanied him with two other volunteers to the transit camp where he will sleep tonight. We talked for a bit while sitting by a fire as he warmed himself. I learned that his father teaches English and his mother is a housewife. Some might ask, "Why didn't his parents come with him?" I am purely speculating here, but they may only have had enough money to get him out. The smugglers can charge $1,500+ just for the boat ride from Turkey and most likely he had to pass through Iran, Iraq, and possibly Pakistan on the way. (I know this was a possible route from speaking with other refugees tonight.) Think about having to make that decision as a parent. Consider how many parents (understandably) get upset when their kids are heading off to college and they aren't going to "see their babies" every day. Now, imagine you are sending your son off across four war-torn countries with the hope that he makes it to Europe and can start a new life.
Nasir was terrified. I did my best to calm him down and I promised him that I would accompany him to the transit camp and that he would be reunited with the men he made the journey with. There are special protocols for unaccompanied minors, so he was separated from them for a short time. My heart was breaking for him when we arrived at the transit camp. It can look really intimidating with its high fences and bright fluorescent lights - more like a prison camp than a welcoming locale, but I assume the UNHCR (the UN refugee agency) has their reasons for this standard layout. He kept looking up at the high fence and looking around for the other men. I kept reassuring him that he was going to be ok. That I would stay with him and that the guys at the transit camp were nice guys and would help him.
When the other men finally showed up, the smile that shot across his face was priceless. Once he saw them, his guard came down. He had a little bit of home with him. He said, quietly, "thank you Jim." Then we hugged and we took this picture. I gave him my business card and told him that as soon as he gets a phone, I want to hear from him. I hope he writes me.
Peace, JWK
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Patrick Smith, LGBT Rights Activist Joins Us Saturday
Patrick Smith, Mr. International Leather and gay rights activist joins us this Saturday!
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Good Communication Counts...Everywhere
I once worked for William Safire, the late language columnist for the New York Times (and in his own words, vituperative, conservative political commentator).
I believe I agreed with exactly one of his opinions, (that lotteries represent regressive taxation, burdening those least able to afford them). Nothing else.
While those of us who reported to him were terrified of making the mistake that would wind up in his weekly column, he actually had only a few simple rules. Among them, go ahead and use split infinitives. (What's wrong with "to boldly go where no man has gone before?")
Just be clear, he told us. Learn a little about misplaced modifiers, consistency, and avoid jargon at all costs. And don't use cliches. We're not writing the King's English...we want to be clear for important reasons. Miscommunication can cause misunderstanding, conflict, errors, and in general is bad for business, government, and everyday living.
I fear social media will be the death of clear communication. It does matter whether you use two, too, or to. Or there, their, and they're. Or incomprehensible jargon and acronyms. Why does it matter? Because down the line we'll be isolated in confusion and frustration.
Here's a look at how poor language can impact (NO--"creeping nounism") damage businesses.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Sexy and Smart and for A Thousand Moms
Patrick Smith has taken his smarts, his great looks, and his title of International Mr. Leather on a mission. He is investigating and promoting LGBT/Q rights around the world. Recently, Patrick, who received his title this summer, visited Uganda and Ukraine, two areas of particular danger for the worldwide LGBT/Q community. His insightful, lucid reports make for compelling reading.
Patrick will headline a special podcast for A Thousand Moms: Building Community Support for LGBT/Q Youth in Foster/Adoptive Care. Tune in on Saturday, December 5 at 5:15 EST. We look forward to hearing his views on sex-affirmation and the need for global awareness of gay rights.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Dan Ingram: A New York Icon
Dan Ingram on WABC radio was the voice of summer, and all other seasons, in New York City during the 60s. He returned for another decade in the early 90s on WCBS-FM. His wit, fast-paced humor, and uncanny ability to talk right up to the lyrics entertained me and millions. He brought us the "Word of the Day," the "Honor Group of the Day," and non-stop laughs and great music. Ingram was part of what made New York special. He worked with other legends such as Cousin Brucie (still working on Sirius), Ron Lundy, Dandy Dan Daniel, Harry Harrison, Chuck Leonard and more. A golden age of radio it was. Mr. Ingram lives in retirement in Florida. Thanks for the great memories.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Kill the Gays, USA style. Yep.
Slipping under the radar was this weekend's religious revival meeting in Iowa. Basically, the theme was Kill All Gay People. With the most effective methods discussed. Attending? Three of your Republican candidates. This is so horrific a development. And it will have immediate impacts on our at-risk youth and adults.
Wander over to www.AThousandMoms.Org. We tried and have failed to get the word out.
I want to thank our supporters, in particular Fr. Richard Marchand of the Church of the Ascension, Staten Island.
Wander over to www.AThousandMoms.Org. We tried and have failed to get the word out.
I want to thank our supporters, in particular Fr. Richard Marchand of the Church of the Ascension, Staten Island.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Guest blogger: Money can't buy happiness, but...
Gary Cottle, a prolific, insightful writer I have met via Facebook, is allowing me to share this exceptional posting regarding money and the societal impact of poverty.
Please read it and help us start the conversation via telephone conference call. Click here.
They say money can’t buy happiness, and that’s true. There are plenty of people with money who are miserable. But those who dismiss the importance of money tend to be the ones who have plenty of it. Let’s not forget the really important things money can buy aside from luxury goodies like sports cars. Money buys education. Money buys health care. Having enough money means you can buy good, healthy food and pass on the processed stuff and the cheap high fructose corn syrup. Money means you can afford the transportation cost to and from the places that sell the good food. Money means you can afford to get out in the world and dress nice which greatly increases your odds of finding friends and romantic partners. Money means you can live in a place that feels like home.
I’ve been, more or less, stuck in the desert town of Merced for eight years. I have never liked it. It has never felt like home to me. My little rent subsidized apartment is far from luxurious, but if it were someplace else, I’d be much happier. It is not simply a matter of me cultivating “inner peace.” Thankfully, Yosemite is near, and I have the good fortune of spending a few days there every year. I know how I feel in Yosemite as opposed to how I feel here in Merced. The difference is vast and profound. Living in Yosemite, of course, is out of the question even if I could afford it. It’s a special place, and a lot of people want to visit, so the park can be overcrowded, especially in the summer months. I’d settle for someplace less special but more to my liking. I’m going to work on it, but given my finances and my limitations—I don’t drive, and I have extreme social phobia—it’s going to take some effort.
The Tiny House Movement has really caught on in recent years. Living simply and within your means is at the core of the philosophy. But I would like to point out that those who are attracted to this idea tend to be well educated, and even though those tiny houses cost far less than conventional houses, they aren’t exactly cheap. They are well built, and they are custom made to match the aesthetic sensibilities of their owners. If it were just a matter of living in a cheap house, people would buy a tiny house trailer or camper with pressed wood paneling and cabinets made from particle board. Another aspect of the Tiny House Movement is mobility, the freedom to live where you want to live. You need at least some amount of affluence for that to be a reality.
My mother suffered from paranoid schizophrenia, so she was disabled and unable to earn a living. But because she was married to my father, she was ineligible for regular and consistent government assistance. When my father had to retire due to his own health problems in the early ’90s, she lost her medical insurance. Thankfully, her psychiatrist went on treating her schizophrenia without billing her and providing her with free samples of the antipsychotic medication she needed. But she went without regular checkups, blood tests and mammograms. In December of 2003, she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. She died in February of 2004. She was 63. Even after she went to the doctor for a backache in September (we would later learn the cancer had already metastasized at that point, and a tumor had attached itself to her spine) her diagnosis was delayed because her doctor knew she didn’t have any money, and he didn’t want my parents getting hit with the bills for expensive scans if it turned out all my mother had was a backache that would resolve itself in time. Would regular checkups and mammograms have caught the cancer in an earlier stage and saved my mother’s life? Who knows? But those with money at least have the option of having regular checkups and mammograms.
My mother comes from what is sometimes referred to as the underclass. That simply means her family has been poor for generations. Being around my mother’s sisters and brothers and their kids while growing up in West Virginia gave me an up close and personal view of what that kind of long-term deprivation can do to a family and how it becomes self-perpetuating. Being poor is one thing, but growing up in a family that hasn’t had a break in over a hundred years means no one in your family has gone to college. No one. Not a single individual knows much about science or history or literature. So no one in the family knows first hand the true value of education. No one in the family knows anything about other cultures, unless they were sent to another country to fight in a war. You’ve watched relatives die early deaths from preventable and treatable disease. The community knows your family has been poor forever, and many look down on you. You’re treated differently. No one expects much from you. Teachers don’t encourage you. You grow up knowing you’re less valued. A sense of fatalism and defeat creeps in and settles deep in your bones. You develop unhealthy habits like smoking, drinking too much, taking drugs or overeating. You do it because it provides temporary relief. You start early, and it becomes second nature. You might get in trouble because the rules and customs of society don’t benefit you, so you’re less inclined to respect the law. You start having babies before you even have a chance to figure out how you can break the cycle and escape.
Money will not assure a happy life, but it does provide fertile soil.
Start the conversation via telephone conference call. Click here.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
PowerPoint or People?
In 2009, during Gen. Stanley McChrystal's tenure as senior commander
of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, he viewed a PowerPoint slide
that was meant to convey the American strategy there; however, it proved
to be as indecipherable as streams of silly string.
"When we understand that slide, we'll have won the war," McChrystal said in the briefing, provoking plentiful laughter.
PowerPoint and the bureaucracy have combined again. And gay youth are the victims.
Instead of direct, interactive, effective training by knowledgeable trainers, foster parents and agency staff in New York learn about gay youth by bullet points read by an untrained staff member of an agency.
At AThousandMoms.Org, our contracts, under which we successfully trained thousands across New York, are gone. Our source of support to be a voice for LGBT youth is gone.
Stand up with us and for our youth. Please make a donation, whatever you can to www.AThousandMoms.Org.
Thank you.
"When we understand that slide, we'll have won the war," McChrystal said in the briefing, provoking plentiful laughter.
PowerPoint and the bureaucracy have combined again. And gay youth are the victims.
Instead of direct, interactive, effective training by knowledgeable trainers, foster parents and agency staff in New York learn about gay youth by bullet points read by an untrained staff member of an agency.
At AThousandMoms.Org, our contracts, under which we successfully trained thousands across New York, are gone. Our source of support to be a voice for LGBT youth is gone.
Stand up with us and for our youth. Please make a donation, whatever you can to www.AThousandMoms.Org.
Thank you.
Monday, October 26, 2015
Wounds that time won't heal: Gay youth and minority stress
Little research has been conducted on the unique "minority stress" endured by LGBT/Q youth--and the far-reaching health consequences into adulthood.
In this paper by AThousandMoms.Org, we take a look at stress, trauma and their unique effects on gay youth. Dr. Bill Buffie, a consultant to AThousandMoms.Org, writes in the paper:
This sexual-minority status, as explained by Riggle and Rostosky, is defined by a culture of devaluation, including overt and subtle prejudice and discrimination, [one that] creates and reinforces the chronic, everyday stress that interferes with optimal human development and well-being.
LGBT individuals, stigmatized by negative societal attitudes directed at the essence of their being, struggle on a daily basis to balance the dual dangers of publicly engaging their need for equality and validation and remaining closeted to find some calm through an escape from public scrutiny. Many gay persons internalize such discrimination and prejudice. Fractured social-support mechanisms and minority-stress–associated low self-esteem contribute to a high prevalence of self-destructive behaviors, such as substance abuse, suicide, and risky sexual behavior.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
A child is listening
A Lifetime movie several years ago, which itself took a decade or more to get made (deemed too controversial), underscored the ongoing crisis faced by LGBT/Q youth. "A Child Is Listening" remains as timely today as when the original real-life story occurred more than 30 years ago.
That's incredibly sad, given or dispute progress on marriage equality.
At my 40th high school reunion this spring, I shared my life story as a gay man and was heartened by the support, particularly from friends now the fathers of gay youth.
They gave generously to support AThousandMoms.Org. (You can, too.)
And read a youth's story on his homelessness... part of the epidemic in this country, and much worse around the world.
That's incredibly sad, given or dispute progress on marriage equality.
At my 40th high school reunion this spring, I shared my life story as a gay man and was heartened by the support, particularly from friends now the fathers of gay youth.
They gave generously to support AThousandMoms.Org. (You can, too.)
And read a youth's story on his homelessness... part of the epidemic in this country, and much worse around the world.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
The gig economy: Fair or foul?
To promote my gig "business," I signed up with the web site, After four year of minimal results and microscopic remuneration, I've given this gig up.
For many, the gig economy offers promises of great money rewards and job freedom for people such as me unwilling and unable to work the 9-5 shift after decades of doing so.
Gig, to me, means translating old work to the unregulated smartphone, app world. The result is poor journalism (think Huffington Post and Examiner), cheap, unregulated taxi service (Uber), everday tasks for $5 (Fiverr) and on-the-fly accommodations (AirBNB). It all seems way more exploitative than entrepreneurial.
For many, the gig economy offers promises of great money rewards and job freedom for people such as me unwilling and unable to work the 9-5 shift after decades of doing so.
Gig, to me, means translating old work to the unregulated smartphone, app world. The result is poor journalism (think Huffington Post and Examiner), cheap, unregulated taxi service (Uber), everday tasks for $5 (Fiverr) and on-the-fly accommodations (AirBNB). It all seems way more exploitative than entrepreneurial.
Read more.
Monday, October 12, 2015
Girls don't play hockey...wrong
Listening to the BBC News tonight, there came across an intriguing story of the first women's professional ice hockey league. I personally played hockey with very skilled, talented women, among the best players on our team.
The New York Riveters join teams in Boston, Buffalo, and Connecticut for the first season. The Riveters will play games at the beautiful Chelsea Piers in New York City.
The New York Riveters join teams in Boston, Buffalo, and Connecticut for the first season. The Riveters will play games at the beautiful Chelsea Piers in New York City.
Watch video.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
A beautiful home
A Thousand Moms, our organization for gay homeless youth, gets support in a number of ways. One is through Hearthstone Homes, which beautifully restores charming houses.
Come to our next open house, in Rotterdam, Sunday. And help us spread the word! Thank you.
Click here!
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Tiny houses, big solutions?

Tiny living, downsizing, right sizing, small living, micro living. Whatever you call it, this national trend is all about paring down living spaces and simplifying everyday life. A cable show devotes hours of programming weekly to a growing national movement. It's a concept yet to take root in the Capital District.
Fred Elia, president of the Schenectady-based Hearthstone Homes, specializes in "flipping" traditional houses and understands well the stagnant housing situation in the Rotterdam area. "Middle class families simply don't have savings to afford a down payment and often have heavy debt or other obligations that disqualify them from getting a mortgage. Ironically, these families pay more in rent than they would in mortgage payments, which would help them build much-needed equity."
See some great tiny houses.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Wisdom and progress comes from unexpected places
Yogi Berra, despite his image, was a smart, respected, and respectful public figure (unlike some leaders in the news recently).
Last year, Berra lent his name and reputation to Athlete Ally, a group promoting LGBT rights and inclusion in sports. Thanks, Yogi.
Last year, Berra lent his name and reputation to Athlete Ally, a group promoting LGBT rights and inclusion in sports. Thanks, Yogi.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Willie May's piece of history
Baseball memories, to those who follow this complex and yet pure sport, last a long time. We lost Yogi Berra recently after a full life of, well, Yogi.
Willie Mays' catch, 61 years ago, was slightly ahead of my time. I do remember buying a model of May's play at the Woolworth's in Yonkers. I was fascinated by "the catch," and had fun assembling the model and painting it. I didn't realize who or what was happening. All I knew were the Mets and the Yankees. Learning about the Dodgers and the Giants would come later, sadly.
Willie Mays' catch, 61 years ago, was slightly ahead of my time. I do remember buying a model of May's play at the Woolworth's in Yonkers. I was fascinated by "the catch," and had fun assembling the model and painting it. I didn't realize who or what was happening. All I knew were the Mets and the Yankees. Learning about the Dodgers and the Giants would come later, sadly.
Celebrate "the catch."
Saturday, September 19, 2015
20,000 youth in NY are ready to change your lives
More than 20,000 youth in New York can enrich your lives in ways you couldn't imagine. Learn how. Come to an information fair, this Thursday in Syracuse. Listen here.
Monday, September 14, 2015
Brain research saves money, lives
Nobel laureate Leon Cooper, a modest, funny man, had too much to drink at a black-tie event, one of many he had attended to celebrate progress in brain research. He couldn't find his coat-check ticket. I tried to lighten the situation by saying that he was thinking great thoughts.
"Nice words," he said. "I'm just plastered."
Well, Leon Cooper often had great thoughts and he expressed them eloquently. In this article from Dana Sourcebook of Brain Science, Dr. Cooper shows the immense value of progress in understanding the brain benefits families and the economy.
Read here.
"Nice words," he said. "I'm just plastered."
Well, Leon Cooper often had great thoughts and he expressed them eloquently. In this article from Dana Sourcebook of Brain Science, Dr. Cooper shows the immense value of progress in understanding the brain benefits families and the economy.
Read here.
Hope is the best thing, maybe the only thing
Tim Robbins (l) discusses hope with Morgan Freeman in The Shawshank Redemption.
David Mahoney, my mentor for many years, was a top businessman and philanthropist.
And probably the greatest lay expert on the brain.
It was an honor to work for this man, who truly supported his employees and motivated them. He exhorted us at the Dana Foundation to realize that we were doing fantastic work and that we will tell our grandchildren, "I was there at the beginning."

Mahoney believed that we all must know about the brain and how it works, because while one-in-five of us will have a brain-related disease or disorder, all of us will know someone with one.
To understand how the brain works is to understand how people work. That information is essential to professionals--from social workers, teachers, lawyers to nurses and primary care docters.
What causes addiction? What are effective treatments? What signs indicate drug abuse?
How can stress damage our health? What steps can we take to prevent its effects?
My organization, A Thousand Moms, has wrapped up our first two podcasts covering these issues. Download them and listen on any device, anywhere, anyplace.
David Mahoney said that knowledge doesn't count for anything unless it gives people hope. And hope is sometimes the best thing, the only thing, paraphrasing the Tim Robbins character in the movie, The Shawshank Redemption.
Upcoming podcasts will offer hope on depression, Alzheimer's disease, pain, memory loss, autism, and more.
Click here to listen.
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Stop stress from damaging your health

When stress becomes a serious problem
Since your autonomic (automatic) nervous system doesn’t distinguish between daily stressors and life-threatening events, if you’re stressed over an argument with a friend, a traffic jam, or a mountain of bills, your body can still react as if you’re facing a life-or-death situation. When you repeatedly experience the fight or flight stress response in your daily life, it can raise blood pressure, suppress the immune system, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, speed up the aging process and leave you vulnerable to a host of mental and emotional problems.
Get the skinny on stress in this podcast.
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Stressed out? Listen here.
Stress appears in our daily lives in some form or another. In some people, stress can dominate their days. What is stress? What can we do to lower it? How much is natural?
Listen to our show live or on tape. Starts at 5:00 pm EDT today.
My show, "Stress and the Brain: Part I" on "A Thousand Moms Talk" is airing 09/05/2015 on BlogTalkRadio. See the details and set a reminder at
Listen to our show live or on tape. Starts at 5:00 pm EDT today.
My show, "Stress and the Brain: Part I" on "A Thousand Moms Talk" is airing 09/05/2015 on BlogTalkRadio. See the details and set a reminder at
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
The Strange, Common "Bag Lady" Syndrome
Friday, August 28, 2015
In honor of Oliver Sacks
Here is program #1 of Gray Matters, the companion audio series to my book on the brain. Caring doctors and researchers do really save lives.
Listen: Alcohol, Drugs and the Brain, Pt. I
Listen: Alcohol, Drugs and the Brain, Pt. I
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Understanding money fears...and letting go
In years of talking to people about money, I've learned to back away sometimes. Friday was one day that reinforced this idea.
The stock market tanked and everyone, it seemed, was nervous.
One woman, who had invited me to talk about finances a while back, gave me a "I told you so," at the local eatery where she works.
A social work friend once introduced me to the concept of "learned helplessness." Sometimes, many times, people like the waitress mentioned above, just can't conceive of a better way and they need to complain about...taxes, the government, the burdens of raising a family on no money...anything. It's frustrating to me and sad because the market doesn't always tank and if everything closed down--the stock market, the government--we'd be after each other with pitchforks. Possible? OK. Likely? No.
Here are some common fears I come across and that I've held myself. And this article offers solutions.
The stock market tanked and everyone, it seemed, was nervous.
One woman, who had invited me to talk about finances a while back, gave me a "I told you so," at the local eatery where she works.
A social work friend once introduced me to the concept of "learned helplessness." Sometimes, many times, people like the waitress mentioned above, just can't conceive of a better way and they need to complain about...taxes, the government, the burdens of raising a family on no money...anything. It's frustrating to me and sad because the market doesn't always tank and if everything closed down--the stock market, the government--we'd be after each other with pitchforks. Possible? OK. Likely? No.
Here are some common fears I come across and that I've held myself. And this article offers solutions.
Monday, August 17, 2015
Why It's So Hard to Quit Smoking
I'm glad to share this timeless, important program on the effects and causes of addiction. This program inspired me to write my book, The Dana Sourcebook of Brain Science. Listen to the program to learn how to get a copy of the book, the result of advice and consultation from the world's leading brain researchers. A heady group with a lot of compassion.
There's a lot of compassion here by scientists who explain the road to addiction and the treatments available.
Click here to listen to Part I (30 minutes)
There's a lot of compassion here by scientists who explain the road to addiction and the treatments available.
Click here to listen to Part I (30 minutes)
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Thank you, Jimmy Carter
I cast my first vote for president for Jimmy Carter. Most conclude his was a failed presidency, but he will look better as time passes. He ended U.S. colonialism in Panama, brought real peace to Israel and Egypt that endures today, and was years ahead of popular opinion in championing solar energy. But, of course, it was all his post-presidential work that raised him to world attention.
Mr. Carter and the Carter Center saved millions of lives previously lost to intractable diseases in Africa. He highlighted the housing crisis for the poor literally building houses for Habitat for Humanity. He spoke out against the horrors of human rights abuses against women in this country and worldwide. Mr. Carter brought election fairness to numerous countries. Jesus, he said as a devout evangelical, would have supported gay marriage. His was a lone voice during the dark days after Bush started the Iraq war. He used his Nobel Peace Prize award in 2002 as a platform to speak out, as America's politicians cowered at Bush's bullying.
The days may be short now for this giant, diagnosed with metastatic cancer last week. I hope this is not the case. Whenever he leaves us, it will be an enormous loss. We are better, astonishingly better, for all he has done.
Read article.
Friday, August 14, 2015
A formula for excellent dining in the Capital Region
Humberto and Francisca Cruz welcomed me to their restaurant and allowed me to talk to their staff regarding my financial business, when many others were not very welcoming. I came for the welcoming atmosphere and stayed for the great, affordable food.
This wonderful couple from southern Mexico bring a cultural diversity and hospitality excellence unmatched. They offer Mexican AND American food that you just can't find anywhere. Burgers? Steak and Eggs? Pancakes? Burritos? It's all here. Cleanliness? Yep. Great service? That, too. A bill that won't hurt your budget? Absolutely.
Give them a visit. You'll go back, soon.
This wonderful couple from southern Mexico bring a cultural diversity and hospitality excellence unmatched. They offer Mexican AND American food that you just can't find anywhere. Burgers? Steak and Eggs? Pancakes? Burritos? It's all here. Cleanliness? Yep. Great service? That, too. A bill that won't hurt your budget? Absolutely.
Give them a visit. You'll go back, soon.
Watch video.
Monday, August 10, 2015
Yum...Fried Ice Cream and Good Home Cookin'
There's nothing likie the experience of eating fried ice cream after a meal or just by itself. Francisca and Humberto make it like no other. A treat that must be experienced. Come to visit our friends at the Point Cafe in Schenectady. Watch and share this video on this great place to dine.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Money and our Emotions
(Adapted from GoingBankRates.Com)
Some sayings I've kept in mind about money:
--Money can't buy happiness, but just try living without it.
--Why do I feel better with $20 in my pocket than when I don't?
--Without money, you have no choices, no power.
"Money fears touch upon every one of our deepest psychological needs as a human being, those being: to love and be loved, to experience fun and enjoyment, to want freedom and to experience some degree of power over our lives,” said Leisa Peterson, CFP. “Not all things we deal with in life touch upon every single one of these core psychological needs, but money does. This means that when money problems comes up, we are forced to consider every aspect of our lives falling apart instead of just one or two. It is all subconscious but it is huge.”
Get answers.
Full article.
Some sayings I've kept in mind about money:
--Money can't buy happiness, but just try living without it.
--Why do I feel better with $20 in my pocket than when I don't?
--Without money, you have no choices, no power.
"Money fears touch upon every one of our deepest psychological needs as a human being, those being: to love and be loved, to experience fun and enjoyment, to want freedom and to experience some degree of power over our lives,” said Leisa Peterson, CFP. “Not all things we deal with in life touch upon every single one of these core psychological needs, but money does. This means that when money problems comes up, we are forced to consider every aspect of our lives falling apart instead of just one or two. It is all subconscious but it is huge.”
Get answers.
Full article.
Great a great small business
The Point Cafe in Schenectady is a hidden gem. Great food, from morning to evening. Great service. Great atmosphere. In the area? Pay them a visit!
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Womens' Six Worst Money Fears
(Adapted from
Scratch the surface, and we all have fears about money. Fear is our most powerful can motivate and it can paralyze.
Oprah Winfrey calls fear "False Evidence Appearing Real." Money can be a scary subject for many people, and like most important topics, women and men deal with it differently. Here are six money fears experienced by women–and what to do about them.
Scratch the surface, and we all have fears about money. Fear is our most powerful can motivate and it can paralyze.

Oprah Winfrey calls fear "False Evidence Appearing Real." Money can be a scary subject for many people, and like most important topics, women and men deal with it differently. Here are six money fears experienced by women–and what to do about them.
- Fear of Homelessness. Many women worry they will wind up homeless. It is critical to remember that your financial future is in your hands–being destitute doesn’t just happen. “Bag lady Syndrome.” The most documented female money fear is commonly referred to as the “bag lady syndrome,” or anxiety about finding yourself suddenly destitute and on skid row. Lily Tomlin, Gloria Steinem, Shirley MacLaine and Katie Couric have all reported suffering from this fear. Get informed here.
- Not Smart Enough. Kathleen Burns Kingsbury, money coach and author of Wealth from the Inside Out, says she often hears women complain, “I am too stupid to learn about finance.” “It’s not that you are not smart enough, it is that you have not been socialized to talk about finance with others, and women tend to learn through conversation,” Kingsbury says. Get informed here.
- Fear of Being a "Bad Mother." It is common for mothers to fear their kids won’t be able to afford college–and to sacrifice their retirements as a result. “There is no Pell Grant for retirement,” points out financial writer Dayana Yochim. There are scholarships and loans for students, however. Get informed here.
- Fear of Mistakes. Fear of making money mistakes means many women defer to their husbands to handle family finances–then find themselves lost in the case of divorce or death. It is critical women educate themselves about money and get involved in their finances, no matter their marital status, says Binney Wietlisbach, president of Philadelphia-based Haverford Investments, and a financial advisor of 25 years. “I can’t even begin to count the number of times women are excluded from the investment discussions,” she says. Get informed here.
- Fear of Taking Control. Fear of making mistakes also paralyzes many women from taking control of their money, or stashing their savings in low-interest rate accounts that actually loose money when taxes and inflation are considered. “Women need to recognize that everyone makes mistakes; it’s part of learning,” says Jessica Maldonado, vice president of Searcy Financial Services in Overland Park, Kan. “There are few mistakes that can’t be undone. But if your concerns are immobilizing, consider hiring someone to help you avoid those mistakes.” Get informed here.
- Fear of Divorce. Often,women stay in unhealthy relationships for fear that divorce will guarantee poverty, says Lisa Decker, divorce financial analyst based in Atlanta. “The fear of the unknown is more comfortable than the thought of struggling through money woes,” she says. Decker advises taking small steps to understand your financial picture, then find ways to make enough money to support yourself. Get informed here.
Staples closes, Romney wins
Willard "Mitt" Romney campaigned as a venture capitalist who would bring his job creation model to America. Here is one local story, and, as Dr. Phil would say, "So, how's that working for ya?"
Monday, July 27, 2015
Building, Repairing Your Financial House
What if there was a way, free of charge, to get answers to your financial questions, fears, hopes? The 401(k) hasn't worked. Families are carrying too much debt. There's not enough saved for even six months of retirement. There are answers, solutions not provided by the big money companies, i.e., Wall Street. Turn instead to Main Street.
Watch Video.
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Support yourself, support A Thousand Moms

Folks, we try to be self-supporting at A Thousand Moms. Our mission is to be a voice for LGBT/Q youth in foster/adoptive care. One way is to help families with finances. All families, and individuals.
Can you kindly watch the video, below. Reply to the questionnaire if you like, or share it with a friend. New Yorkers only (that's my licensed area).
Thanks so much. (Making a video is a tough one for me...It's only 3:30)
Click here for video (3:30).
Friday, July 24, 2015
Upspeak, Vocal Fry and Sexism for Women in Media
A fascinating story on NPR's Fresh Air, talking about women's voices. Upspeak can be called Valley Talk, tentative, and lacking in confidence. Vocal fry overcompensates. Is this sexism? Does it affect gay men, called and stereotyped in similar ways?
From Fresh Air on NPR
Friday, July 17, 2015
The answer lies in the brain, as usual.
Nothing is ever definitive when it comes to the brain. But when Caitlyn Jenner talks of "soul pain" for as long as she can remember, the development of the fetus tells the story. Genitals develop early in the fetus. The brain and gender identity much later. Bodily development of sex organs may not correspond with gender identity development. Thus could solve much needless shame and ostracizing. Go Caitlyn!
Read here.
Read here.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
A Cure for Parkinson's?
Researchers may have a major breakthrough in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, a brain disorder.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Stop giving a free loan to Uncle Sam--He doesn't want it
Watch Suze Orman explain it all in under 1:00. Just a simple step could create your future.
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Think Green
I invite everyone to listen to the debut show of our Network of Support from A Thousand Moms. We'll be presenting on the brain and behavior, child development, and reducing financial we'll have guest presenters. All the information you need is right here. Click. And thanks for your support.
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