Limited offer: free e-books on the brain and health
These books, part of the Healing the Brain Series from A Thousand Moms cover topics important to teachers, students, parents, counselors...anybody concened with their family, their friends, theirselves. Please take a look, download these flipbooks, and share. About the author: David Balog is chief information officer for A Thousand Moms: Building Community Support for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Youth in Foster/Adoptive Care. He was a science/medical writer at the Dana Foundation in New York City, where he created, wrote and edited the Dana Sourcebook of Brain Science through four editions. More than 50,000 copies of this widely acclaimed book was distributed to teachers, students, and professionals in all 50 states and numerous other countries. reviews: Author David Balog has done an excellent job of creating a book for educators (or anyone working with youth) that explains the complicated workings of the brain in an easy to understand manner. Balog goes on to discuss various types of trauma and how the adolescent brain responds to trauma such as depression, stress, addiction, risk taking, PTSD, etc.
[A] cohesive narrative about a subject that has been put in the dark by society. I was informed about things I thought I knew plenty about. I was inspired by the read and heavily recommend that anyone reading this reviews invests themselves into this book and the cause it strives for.
Provides comfort and learning to the reader. Flows easily from one topic to the next and knits tidbits of information together in a unifying mosaic. Easy to read. Difficult to put down.
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